Sailing Yacht Surveys
We carry out all types of surveys, the most popular is pre-purchase.
Buying a boat is an exciting time and you must have a clear picture. Our role is to assist you in the purchase, look at the boat without the rose tinted specs and help you deciding if you want to proceed with the purchase, bearing in mind the valuation and condition of the boat that you are considering.
Majority of the focus is on the structural condition of the hull and deck and fabrication plus items relating to the safe use of the boat. We go through the boat, into every locker, nook and cranny and inspect everything, and then we provide a detailed written report on the condition of the boat. We will then discuss any aspect of the report to ensure you understand what has been written. Nautical and technical terms are restricted or tailored to you personally.
Hull, Deck and Structure
- Details of Subject VesselĀ (General Description, Dimensions, Registration)
- Keel
- Hull below Waterline
- Topsides above Waterline including Rubbing Strake etc.
- Deck Moulding
- Coach Roof
- Cockpit
- Hull/Deck Join
- Bulkheads/Structural Stiffening including Internal Mouldings
- Spars
- Standing Rigging
- Running Rigging
- Sails and Covers etc.
- Navigation Lights
- Bilge Pumping Arrangements
- Firefighting Equipment
- Lifesaving and Emergency Equipment
- Engine and Installation
- Fuel System